
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

East Side Mobin: My interview with ESM

You may or may not (Preferably may) have seen a shirt, some shorts,
or maybe a sticker or two around your neighborhood.
Maybe you've heard your friends talking about them, 
maybe not, but if you do not know about East Side Mob...
You're quite late to the party.

(Stine & Oscar. Oscar is wearing one of the newer ESM shirts)

Chicagoans/ East Side Mob Founders Oscar & Stine
have a business plan: Takeover Chicago then the world!
Armed with a pack of cigs, my phone and note pad
I recently had an interview with the East Side Mobbers
on a roof top looking over downtown Chicago.
We spoke about their plans for the future, their spring/summer line,
and what brought them to found the indie-punk street wear company that is

1.) So, when did you decided to start ESM?
STINE: I think... Sophomore year?
OSCAR: Yeah, in Mr. Myers class.
Me: Oh, you started in school?
S: Yeah, we took a graphic design class
and he basically let us do whatever we want. So we would make
stencils and shirts etc.
O: But, we didnt think to sell our stuff until we went to
Gallery37 (an art program in downtown Chicago).

2.) Who/What inspires your designs for ESM?
Pete Wentz is a huge inspiration. Also, UNIF, Drop Dead,
A$AP Rocky, Azealia Banks and... OURSELVES.

(ESM Shroom T-Shirts)

3.) Who would you say is your main clientele?
 S: Young & fun people...
O: That don't care.
 S: We love when people buy our clothes and experiment
with them. Rip them up; we like that a lot.

4.) Seeing as though you're graduating soon &
are going to separate colleges do you have future plans for
the line? Or is this the end after summer ends?
We deff plan on moving forward with ESM.
We're setting up a look book, adding more colors,
making the line more intricate.
O: "We wanted to make clothes that we would buy.
I got tired of going into store and never seeing clothes I wanted."

(ESM customer displaying her new T)

5.)Do you plan on making changes to the line anytime
soon? Are you going to keep the "homemade" feel to it?
O: Yes, most of the pictures are taken in my bedroom on my door!
S: Yeah, we don't have any big plans to change anything in the future.

 (ESM Custom order shorts)

I'm in love with the with the above shorts!
So cute! and in my fave color. Id buy them..
 if I were a girl. Fuck it, I might just buy them
 and hang them up on my wall.
Everything made by East Side Mob is $20 or less!
The T-shirts are only $10!
And yes, they do custom orders...
Perfect right?

So far they've had orders come in from
Manhattan, Brooklyn, L.A, Indiana, Maryland etc.
And the brand is only growing!
Keep up the good work!
ESM till I die!

Contact ESM:
Kri- Stine's FACEBOOK
Oscar's Facebook

Contact ME:
