
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

People Whose Style Should Be Admired: Kait Cutler

This stunning creature is Kait Cutler.
She's a Chicagoan by way of Powell, Ohio & she
is pure Unadulterated sex to my eyes:
The "fun, wild with a little Kink" type of SEX to my eyes.

Her STYLE is the type that a lot of people have tried to
capture and make their own, but are never able to pull it off.
It's a very DARK style, but also very girly and sexy.
Recently I found myself unable to find anyone whose style
captured my eyes the way my former entries have/did.
Then Kait came along and it was a godsend.

Well, below are a few questions I have
asked Kait plus her amazing answers grouped with
a few pictures of her style & beauty.

1.) Can you describe your style a little for me?
Do you think you fall into a specific style group?
"Neutrals with a pop. I'm definitely an all black kind of girl,
but I always find a way to sneak a little color in there."

2.) What inspires you/your fashion sense?
Friends? City life? Art? What?
"My surroundings definitely inspire my style. I look for inspiration in architecture,
street style, and friends. It helps to be in such a diverse city."

"..and geometry is such a huge factor in what heels
 I choose to purchase. Angular Skyscraper heels forever!"

3.) Do your clothes reflect your emotions of the time?
I mean, I sometimes wear my emotions without noticing so it happens...

 "For sure. If I'm feeling frumpy and gross, I'm gonna need a pick me up, you know?
I'll throw on some heels and a black dress, do my hair,
and go dancing. I totally dress to improve my mood."

4.) What article of clothing or accessory
can you NOT by any means leave home without?
"Haha, it's not even an article of clothing, but lipstick.
I always leave the house with a purse
full of at least 3 different shades of lip wear.
My coworkers (boys too!) always come straight to me if they need some pigment on their lips."

Okay, last question btw thanks again for the interview!

5.) What's your favorite pass time in Chicago?
What does Kait like to do for fun?!
"I'm a big fan of trying new food. If it sounds weird, I'll eat it.
I'm blessed to be in Chicago where it's really easy to find strange foods to consume.
I suppose I could be called a "foodie".
 Anthony Bourdain is my biggest crush."

I fell in love with Kait when I saw her, and If you
frequent this blog we prob have the same taste and you're in love also!
