The Biebs, whom by the way is turning(or already turned) 18,
sat down with V Magazine for an interesting interiew that covered
everything from religion, and why he doesn't need to go to church
to him comparing himself to Floyd Mayweather...

Justin spoke about haters saying, "Now that I'm on top, everyone wants
to bring me down... everyones trying to tug on me and take my spot."
He went on to compare himself to Mayweather saying,
"(I feel) like Floyd Mayweather,he's the best boxer in the world.
Now he is a champion. Everytime he goes to a fight
now, people are like, "he's gonna lose this time."

I didn't say it but... someone deff arches his eyebrows. Just saying. Lol

Read the rest in V Magazines Spring preview!!
Btw don't you just love the Dolce and Gabbana
shirt he has on in the cover image!?!
Uhmm yeah, I do!

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