
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lindsay's Diary: Heath Ledger

Im begining (well not really "beginning") to think that
people would rather see Lindsay fall deeper, and deeper into
this hole that she can't climb out of rather then see her get better.
This post is just more proof that we're monsters in
a world that would prefer to see this girl die
so that we could collect on our bets (we've all made one),
than to see her thrive as a "MOVIE" star.

So someone released Lindsay's Diary into the
public and to everyones surprise (except Lelo's mom)
she had a famous lover.

As told by her diary entry Lindsay was in love with
Heath Ledger. Aside from that, they actually shared a secret relationship
which doesnt surprise seeing as though he had one with Mary-Kate Olsen.

Lindsay wrote
"Today Heath died" she went on to say
 "I’m in love with him… He was the love of my life."
"He taught me so much, and he was everything I’ve ever wanted and more.
I want to hear him laugh and hold me. I crave his touch and care"

Pretty deep huh?
Wait theres more, she got pretty poetic with
the way she views the world...
"'It's like a game of Jenga, and when one piece slips, it all falls apart,
One pill, one slip and it goes down the slope, crashes and burns and it's over.
Why? I ask myself over and over. Cry is all I can do"

There's still time for Lindsay. I just hope her life doesnt end
in the way Heath's did.

I feel terrible for Lindsay..
But to be honest Im adding to her pain by writing this post.
We all add to her pain, but so does she when she acts in
the foolish ways we've become accustomed.
