
Friday, September 30, 2011

Photographers We Love: Jon Mathias

Something that you guys might not know about me is
that I love photography. Which means I appreciate a good photographer;
This is one I LOVE.


 There are certain people in this world that others
just love working with, and around. These people
can make the most awkward situation comfortable, and 
relaxed. Jonathan is one of those people; He has a chill-soul.

His relaxed demeanor is what draws me to his pictures.
I can tell that people obviously enjoy themselves while working
with Jon, because he gets something out of them that not
all photographers can. He sees something within his
muse of the moment and uses his camera to paint a masterpiece.

Below you will find a few 
of my favorite pictures of Jonathan's, and
the answers to a couple questions I asked him.

1.) What made you want to become a photographer? 
Was it always in your future plans?
"I wanted to be a photographer after I started taking a black and white darkroom
 photography class in my freshman year of high school.I immediately wanted to capture the friends
family and intriguing things around me. I still photograph the same things today, 
with a lot more consideration than I did at that time."  

2.) What inspires you most? Is it your day-to-day
life? Or the subjects in your pictures?
"I am inspired by daily life of course, but also so many other things.
 I love free spirits, beautiful light, interesting clothes, extraordinary contrast,
 and unique people. I studied art history, so I am also constantly thinking 
about artists and work from the past, and I draw on that occasionally."

I can genuinely feel in my soul how much Jonathan loves his camera and subject.
You don't see what Jonathan has to often since the Tumblr age as come around.
I'm glad there are people in the world 
that still have the photographers touch.

"As I get older, I find it increasingly important to record the happenings
 of my life for a visual journal, since I can never seem to find the time to sit down
 and write about it. It makes me endlessly happy to be able to 
flip trough my favorite memories in photographs."

 Thank you Jon.
You're amazing;
Stay that way.