Something that you guys might not know about me is
that I love photography. Which I appreciate a good photographer;
This is one I LOVE.
I met Edgar in Vegas a few years ago through one of my
best friends that just so happens to be his brother.
I knew he was a photographer but I didn't know
to what extent his skill went until I saw some of
his finished work one day after a photo shoot he had just done;
It was simply magnificent.
Below you will find a few
of my favorite pictures of Edgar's, and
the answers to a couple questions I asked him.
Q.) What made you want to become a photographer?
Q.) Is your photography just a hobby?
Or is it in your future plans as a career?
Or is it in your future plans as a career?
A.) When i got my first professional camera, i thought it was going to
be more like a hobby, but i'm 100% sure that this is what i
wanna be doing for the rest of my life professionally.