Jacob Richard.
A close, but new friend of mine,
might be one of the most stylish people
I've met in Chicago.
Well below I have a couple questions
I've asked Jacob to answer for Plastique-Hearts
and a few pics and his link also!
What celeb of any sort would you say is a big inspiration to your style?
"I draw inspiration from a lot of celebs, so it's hard to just choose one.
I would say the biggest would be jennifer aniston and gwyneth paltrow.
My style is currently evolving, so these r new inspirations.
All the beautiful people on street peeper, too."
His style is simple and classic with a twist
and his personality is bubly and fresh something
similar to a young Cameron Diaz (random comparison I know),
but if you met him you'd understand.
2.)Whats your favorite article of clothing?
"My favorite clothing is hanes white t-shirts!! I have piles of them."
I love every single colorful ( in personallity and literally )
ensemble he wears and I'm looking forward to
see what the future has in store for his style.